Monday, October 3, 2011

#28 - Go Zorbing (globe-riding, sphereing or orbing)

I had the opportunity to play in a zorb ball this weekend at a festival in Suches, GA.  Mrs. C did the honors and photographed me.

I spotted them but said nothing at first. Then my 9 y/o daughter commented on how she would like to try this which allowed me to say, "of course, do you mind if I also go in one of these?" :)  Daughter very much said yes as she wanted to ram her ball into mine as much as possible. :) This was different and less insane than some other zorbing I'd seen which was a "strap in and get pushed downhill".  Here we were on a flat surface and had to maneuver the ball ourselves. I entered the ball in as smooth a fashion as possible and for the entire time got quite a work out walking and pushing the ball forward, making sure to keep the entrance holes on the side so I wouldn't fall through.  By the time this was over I was tired but we had fun.  Then daughter proceeded to the bungee trampoline while I sat on the ground and watched.:

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